91-22-2202 2202
Abigail Nadar
Greetings Dr Sabadra

Hope you are well. . .

We arived in South Africa at miday on friday and as you can imagine, after a month long holiday, ones entire family await visits accompanied by long conversations and lots of laughter. My parents collectd us from the airport and it didnt take very long for them to notice my new teeth and improved smile.

I had been speaking to them very often from India and so they had been very worried knowing full well the extent of my fear for dentists. They were most relieved however when they heard about my pleasant experience with the dentist in India and were impresssed at the professionalism and services I couldnt stop talking about.

I only got to my office today and logged onto your website as soon as I did. Congratulations on a most impressive and informative website. I read many pieces of information beautifully presented on the site and feel proud to say I relate to the experience.

Life has a strange way of causing one to be at a certain place at a certain time and experience an array of feelings one would ordinarily not expext at the time. I arrived in India looking forward to another fantastic holiday as we have experienced many times before. On the first day of my arival however, my tooth began to pain and if theres one thing I truly have no tolerance for, it's a tooth ache. I immediately decided to enquire about a dentist in the area eventhough I was so petrified of one but knew that I would never enjoy my holiday with excruciating pain. On arival to your surgery, I was anxious and scared as to what the diagnosis would be but somehow expected the worst. On hearing that I would have to have a root canal done I cringed inside remembering the many people at home who described a root canal as the most painful experience of their lives. I was numb with disbelief considering that I had to go thru one on my holiday!

On ariving at your surgery the next day, I was scared but underlying that fear was a peace that took over me as I lay on the treatment chair and commenced the procedure. Awaiting excrutiating pain, I was most relieved and surprised when you told me that you were nearly finished. I was shocked! Not only was it not as painful as I expected but was also finished sooner than I anticipated.

I went back to the hotel thereafter and lay down so content and grateful that the procedure was over. Not long thereafter was I certain that you were the dentist I would choose to treat and advise me from that moment on. I felt completely comfortable with you, trusted your abililty to make correct what had gone wrong and to do it with grace and wisdom like none before.

The bridges and crowns that you put on are also comfortable and they look great. I've always wanted to do them was again was too scared of the pain and discomfort so much so that I put it off for years. I'm a lot happier with my smile. . . thankyou.

On spending many a moment admiring my new teeth in the mirror (I love the mirror) I notice that my teeth look much better on the right side then on the left obviously because of the number of new teeth that were added on the right. My upper left side looks less full due to a space between two teeth. Is there anything that can be done about this? I know you have pictures so can decipher what I mean. I love my smile but dont like the space and would prefer it not there. Please advise me accordingly.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing
is what we do for others.